Ripack Shrink Guns / Schrumpfpistolen / Pistoale de termocontractare

 Ripack 3000 + Ripack 3000 + Ripack 3000 + Ripack 3000 + Ripack 3000 +

PACKTOOLS is a service provided by IPS Industrial Packing Solution S.R.L. Klausenburg


RIPACK 3000+ - Complete + Extension

Worlds best Pistol on the market | Weltbestes Gerät auf dem Makrt!

  • Power / Leistung / Putere                                        45 to 80 kw
  • Pressure / Druck / Presiune                                     1,50 to 3,5 bars
  • Consumption / Verbrauch / Consum                         3,06 to 5,41 kg/h
  • Weight / Gewicht / Greutate                                    1550 gr
  • Noise level / Geräusch / Nivel de zgomot                  < 85 dbA
  • Energy source / Energiequelle / Surse de energie      propane gas

Scope of supply / Lieferumfang / Scopul de livrarii

  • Carry bag / Praktische Tragetasche / Geanta de transport
  • Securipack regulator / Druckregler / Regulator de presiune
  • 8 meter hose / 8 Meter Schlauch / Furtun de 8 metri
  • Key for tightening /Montageschlüssel / Cheie de asamblare
  • Guarantee 1 J / Garantie 1 J / Garantie 1 an
  • CE certificate / CE Zertifikat / Certificat CE

    Prices net without sales tax / Preise netto ohne Mwst. / Preturi net fara taxa pe vanzare


The Ripack 3000 + is the new Ripack innovation. The association of the flagship product, the Ripack 3000 with the S33 short lance, will provide you with optimal ergonomics allowing the reduction of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) which can be caused by repetitive bending and stretching during intensive work. There are more extensions available!

EN: You will autmatically be delivered with the shrink gun, which is standardized for your country. We deliver directly from manufacturer and you will receive the latest version! DE: Sie werden automatisch mit dem Gerät beliefert, welches für Ihr Land genormt ist. Wir liefern direkt vom Hersteller, und Sie erhalten garantiert die neueste Geräteversion! RO: Veti fi livrat cu pistolul care este standardizat pentru tara dvs. Livram direct de la producator si veti primi cea mai recenta versiune!

Training, support, logistics for major projects in Europe and Worldwide? Equipment, accesories, spare parts? Multiple orders? 

Don´t hesitate to contact:  packtools(at)ips-klausenburg(dot)eu

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Preis: EUR 1.079,00

Versand: EUR 11.90